Saturday, July 28, 2007

Seriously....couldn't make this stuff up.

I have a little story for you.

Where I live, there are two outdoor, public pools. I have always gone to the one over the bridge.......there, they actually have two pools, side by side, separated by a short fence. To be in the two foot pool, you have to be 6 and under. I have always gone to this pool, because of this. I can keep a better eye on the boys. The cost is only 50 cents per kid, and I get in for free, as I mostly just sit on the side. I have never been to the pool on MY side of the bridge. There hasn't been a super specific reason. The one on MY side of the bridge has one L shaped pool.....the three foot section, then a rope.....then the "deep end." MY side of the bridge, also charges $1 per child.....I get in free.....(I know it is ultra cheap.....either way). I finally decided I should check out the pool on MY side of the bridge...............I have regretted it, ever since. Here is my story.

We picked up Mister for a quick lunch out, before venturing to the pool for the afternoon. Fash was talking about swallowing too much water at the pool, and it makes him have to go poop, a lot. (Yeah, I said what) Sass interrupts Fash to tell us.....

"It doesn't make me have to poop when I swallow the water......I just have to pee....and a lot."

*WHAT!?* I usually only last about two hours at the pool.....they always go to the bathroom before we get in.....**click, click, click**

"Sass....I don't remember taking you to the bathroom the last time we were at the pool."

" mom, you don't have to....I just pee in the water, and I do it A LOT!"

*Ack-ack-double ack* Mister has a bit of a phobia about public pools....he doesn't really like to even talk about it.......much less imagine we go during the this point he is soooo sicked out.

"Enough.....let's never speak of this again...will you all please stop..La, la, la....I can't hear you.....will you just drop me off here....I can walk back to the office....."

*giggle...giggle....seriously, that is so sick....giggle*

"Sorry dear, we will wonder they always have a belly ache when we leave the pool....sorry....I will stop." *grin*

The boys and I pull into the new pool.....I take them both to the bathroom....*mental note, take them out at pool break, for a potty break* The boys took off...hit the blue, not yellow-or green water....and never stopped. I eased into the pool, sort of propped myself up on the side, partway immersed. That is when she happened.

A chubby, freckled, red headed girl came swimming over to me, she was wearing a suit, and an over sized light blue t-shirt, which came to her knees. (I like chubby, I like freckles, I like red just happen to be what she looked like.)

"Hi, what is your name?"

"So Dak Angel, what is your name?"

"Umm....are you here by yourself, I Grandpa dropped me off. I am going to be here all day.....while he is at work.......I live with my mom, my dad, my aunt, my uncle, my Grandpa, and my Grandma. I don't know when he is coming back here. Have you ever had a sunburn, I hurts. I have 4 brothers, and 3 sisters....they live in Nebraska....I am nine years old, and I have never been touched by a stranger. Do you have any sunscreen?"

"Ummm.....what?, no."

"Do you have any money? I Grandpa gave me $4 and 50 cents.....he said to let it last all day, I have already had three things and I have some money left, so I am going to have some more, but not right now, because I have to make it last all day....that is what my Grandpa said, you don't have any sunscreen? I forgot mine in my Grandpa's pick-up.....have you ever been to water works? It is a water park in is really fun, I got scared a lot....and I got a sunburn, and I never got to go back. I am wearing this shirt so I don't get a sunburn, is my swim you like it? My feet are like raisins....I am just picking the skin off of them, see."

"That is gross."

"Why, it just floats into the drain....see....there is the drain right there."

"It doesn't just float in there, you really shouldn't do that, it isn't very nice for the other people in the pool." *good gravy, why won't she stop that*

"oh.....well......if it doesn't float in there, then they sweep the bottom with a vacuum thing.....then it will just get sucked up."

"Do you have any friends to play with? You are a big girl, why don't you show me how you can jump off the diving board." *Enough.....let's never speak of this again....will you, la, la.....I can't hear you.*

Yeah.....I am just going to keep driving over the bridge.....I like that pool better anyway.


b. said...

Just further evidence I needed to justify my almost NEVER going to a public pool.

Heffalump said...

lalala! Lovely post. I remember swimming at the lake as a kid and how we would try to stay in a warm spot in the water, until our dad explained what those warm spots were.

Unknown said...

Awww.. that is sad. Poor little dropped off little girl. At least she has never been touched by a stranger.
What a crazy convo, you had with her.

Carrot Jello said...

*gag* *gag* *double gag*

Elizabeth-W said...

That poor little girl. That would be something I'd consider calling child welfare about.
We go to a water park about twice a week. Every time I see my children put their faces in the water I mentally am grateful for antibiotics.
ps-just saw your note on the controversial issue. :)

Amanda said...

This is the first year that I have bought swim passes for me and the kids. I try not to think of all the ickiness in the pool and just enjoy the sun and fun with my kids. Thanks a lot! ;)

How awful to leave the girl at the pool! I would totally be calling social services too. That is just totally irresponsible. And the peeling skin, ewwwwwwwww!!!!

Heffalump said...

I tagged you for a meme...hope you don't mind.

catherine (fairchild) calhoun said...

yuuuuuuck! :)

Klin said...

This is the therapist side jumping out, but why would she state that she had never been touched by a stranger? That is NOT a normal comment for a kid. Has she been touched by a family member is what I am wondering now? i

Sorry to drag it down, just concerns me.

I am not a public pool fan. They are just not as discerning as myself when it comes to my kiddos welfare. said...

Soooo funny! I LOVED reading this. I try not to think about all the grody stuff that goes on in a pool. Yucky.

That poor little girl. She needs a blog to write all that stuff down in...

Lisa said...

Poor kid! Weird conversation, though!

SoDak Angel said... I did stick around past my two hour usual pool allotment to make sure she was picked up by Grandpa. She was....he picked her up at 4:30....I also asked a daycare lady who brought a slew of kids if she had any she also got lathered up. Over-all I don't think it warrented any social services....I just think she was lonely, and a bit odd.....apparantly.....I looked friendly........I am gonna have to do something about that.

Jean Knee said...

sounds like mega fun was had by all. we don't have a public pool here but if we did Id be all over it- I ain't fraid of no funk

Rebekah said...

Public pools...It's a risk we all take during the summer. The last public pool I was in was actually in Hot Springs at The Plunge. Tons of little kids, I don't want to think about what was in that water.

Phae-Jae said...

I can't even begin to imagine dropping my children off all day at the pool. Poor lonely girl, with peeling skin...ick!

Jennifer B. said...

I'm speechless!

Unknown said...

That is so gross. Just reinforces my position of avoiding the public pool at all costs. The thought of putting my head under water and accidently swallowing a mouthful of water......YUUUCKK.

Super Happy Girl said...

OMGosh!! This is GOLD!
BWAHAHAHAHA!! I'm laughing and crying. Oh man!
No pools for this seƱorita. Nope.
...will you just drop me off here....I can walk back to the office....."