Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Are you even curious?

Don't you want to know....all both of my readers? One of you got a phone call, and the other...well....I don't have your phone number....but I can IM you......and maybe I will. Then it will just be us three in on my "somethin's cookin'" it will just be between you and you and I. The rest of you will have to remain in the dark. Then you will all be jealous then......then you won't even be able to come over for a will just have to sit back at your own station.....sad, so very sad....that you weren't even curious to know what was cookin'.....see....that is what you get.

See......the first time I found one of my little blogging buddies.....the one that connected some of you to others......I was thouroughly entertained.....then she left me.....left me for tend to what SHE was cookin'......see.....then she came back.....but I was already she had to beg me to return to her.....which I did.....and I have stayed loyal. BUT NOW.....I have been left.....before I had a chance to leave you feel bad?

Well......even if you don't care.....I am still going to keep on cookin' that's right.....You can't stop me.....SO THERE!


aubreyannie said...

hooray!!! i am soooo excited for you! congratulations!

Tori :) said...

Ok. I'm lost. Are you cookin' a bun like Aubrey?

SoDak Angel said...


Tori :) said...

HOW AWESOME!!!! Congrats!! How exciting!! There must be something in the blog water because you are the 4th blog friend to announce in the last week!! Congrats. I'm stoked for you.

Deena said...

yay! Congratulations!

Amanda said...

Congratulations!!!!!! I am so thrilled for you!!

I wondered if that is what you were talking about, but I didn't want to assume and look like fool. Because I am really good at that! ;)

Super Happy Girl said...

Congratulations! :D
WHen are you due?

Super Happy Girl said...


Super Happy Girl said...


Lisa said...


Carrot Jello said...


Carrot Jello said...

I didn't leave.
I just got preoccupied with life :(

b. said...


I'll bet you got cute buns!

carrie said...

Congratulations! Are you hoping for a girl this time?

Thank you so much for the awesome Birthday card and sweet things you said it made my day!

Unknown said...

Are you snowed in?

Eric and Hanna said...

I am so excited for you. I have really been horrible about reading e-mails and blogging even but I am so excited that Rylyn will have a new little cousin! Hooray!!!

Tori :) said...

Just checkin' in on you.

Carrot Jello said...

Merry Christmas!

You’ve just been hit with Random Acts Of
“ Merry Christmas!”
Love, Carrot Jello

Super Happy Girl said...

Merry Christmas my favoritests angelic lady :)
Thanks for my super awesome card. You have handsome boys.

Carrot Jello said...

You are pregnant. You should be in a bed with a laptop. Where are you?