We stopped by Mister's office to pick him up for lunch one day. We usually stay inside Vinnie, (the minivan) buckled up, and I just make a quick call, and he comes out to meet us. Sometimes, he may have to finish something up, and it takes a few extra minutes. This conversation happened one of those times, and it has since become a classic, we refer to, when we need an extra laugh.
Fash: When is he coming?
Me: Just another minute or two.
Sass: We should pretend we are invisible!
Me: Okay, why don't you practice right now.....quietly.
Fash: Mom! Mom! Tell Daddy I am a salad!
(I turn around to see this...)
Fash: Yeah, a salad! Tell him okay!
Me: Okay, I will tell Daddy you are a salad?....
Sass: A salad? I am going to be invisible!
(Out comes Mister)
Mister: Hi guys!
Me: They can't hear you.....Sass is invisible......and Fash.......well, he is a salad.
(Mister turns around to see this)
(He starts to tickle Sass, to try to make him become visible.....all the while Fash is holding strong to his salad impression.......)
All of a sudden for Sass apparently it clicks!
Sass: Ha Ha! I get it....it's called a SOLID! Not a salad!
We erupted in laughter! Suddenly it made perfect sense!